What is the Feast?

The Feast is a weekly gathering of the members of the Light of Jesus family in locations across the country and around the world. It is a place in which we grow as a community, enriching our lives not just spiritually, but in other aspects as well.

It is one of the happiest places on Earth, and we dream of 1,000 Feasts all over the world.

Why is it called the Feast?

It is called the Feast because it is where we gather to celebrate God’s love for us and for our brothers and sisters.

What happens in the Feast?

Every week, we gather as a family and begin in praise and worship and offer it to God. It is followed by a talk given by our Feast Builders that refreshes and recharges us, preparing us for the week to come. It is also through the Feast that we participate in other activities–outreach programs, retreats, where we meet and bond with members of our community.

Is it free?

Absolutely! All you need to do is bring yourself, wear a smile on your face, and prepare to have fun. You can also bring friends and family with you.

Are only Catholics welcome at the Feast?

We are all God’s children, so anyone who wishes to attend is very much welcome.

Can I bring children to the Feast?

The Feast in itself is a family, so of course you can bring your children with you. What better way to grow with them as you go on thus journey together? It is also important to note that there are several different ministries within the Feast that address each member’s needs — Couples Ministry, Singles Ministry, Youth Ministry, Awesome Kids Ministry, Solo Parents Ministry, and Gracious Living Ministry.

I am not religious, so why should I go to the Feast?

Everyone wants to be happy. To be accepted. To be loved. At the Feast, you are welcome as you are, accepted as you are, and loved as you are. It is a place without judgement. A place where you can be safe and feel at home.

Bo Sanchez

 September 9, 1980, the Light of Jesus held their first prayer meeting at the Sanchez home in Quezon City. On September 16, at the second prayer meeting of the group, 14-year old Bo Sanchez gave his first talk. He has not stopped preaching since.

His work as a lay preacher has brought him all over the world. Bo has received many recognitions and awards in the Philippines and the Church. These include winning the Ten Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) award in 2006 and the Serviam Award, the highest award a lay Catholic may receive, from the Catholic Mass Media Awards in 2007.

A more enduring testament to God’s work in Bo’s life are the many institutions and organizations that he started and supports. Through these ministries, many lives have been changed for good.

Our History


Vic Español
Vic EspañolLOJ International
Bro. Vic is a retired executive of a multinational life insurance company. These days, he serves as Head of the International Region and District Builder of South Quezon City and San Juan District. He also assists his wife, Ditas, in the Pastoral Care Ministry.
Pio Español
Pio Español
Pio Español is the overseer, mentor and coach of LOJ in the United States and Canada. Living his life in service to the Lord, he has been with the Light of Jesus Family since it was founded, way back in the 1980s.
Hermie Morelos
Hermie MorelosLOJ Central Admin
Hermie Morelos is serving as Director and Overseer for Oceania Feasts (Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Auckland). Aside from these tasks, Bro. Hermie is the Finance Director for Light of Jesus Family Metro Manila, and President of Kerygma Books. With all these services, the most important and close to his heart is as a loving husband to wife, Reng, father to 5 grown-up kids, and doting grandpa to 8 wonderful grandchildren.
Carl Fontanilla
Carl FontanillaLOJ Provincial
Carl Fontanilla joined Light of Jesus in 1992. He is currently serving as head of LOJ Provincial, providing guidance and leadership to the various Feasts. He also serves as Overseer for the Feasts in North Asia. Aside from serving Community, he is also working full time in the corporate sector as Managing Director of Rock Energy International Corporation.

Feast Builders

Metro Manila

Arcee Si

Anthony Rodriguez





The LOJ Youth Missions is love.

Acceptance. Embracing. Warmth. Good feels. Exciting. Happy. Tears may come but joy comes as well. Filled with grace. 
We are the youth ministry of the Light of Jesus Family.
We are founded by Catholic lay preacher & best-selling author, Bro. Bo Sanchez.

We engage in lots of awesome, crazy and fun-filled activities such as youth camps, fellowships, sportsfests and connect groups. 
We laugh a lot and simply enjoy life!

We love to bond with, get along, and share life with lots of people, especially the youth. We express our love through time, service 
& affirmation to various youth groups, parishes and schools. And from time to time, we reach out to the elderly, the orphans 
and the street kids. And for sure, we’d love to connect with you!

We bring back all the glory to the One who loves us soooooo much! We involve ourselves in intimate, passionate & rocking worship. 
We nourish ourselves with God’s Word through life-changing talks given by inspiring youth speakers and Kerygma preachers. 
And we spend time sharing His love and mercy in making young disciples.


Campus Missions

   LOJ Youth


Campus life

Campus Life is the extension arm of the Light of Jesus Youth to the different universities, colleges, and campuses all over the world.

Why campus life?
by Niko Capucion & JC Libiran

​Have you ever been on a trip? Last 2015, I was on my way to Cagayan De Orqo to facilitate a retreat for seminarians. I was excited, woke up early, called a cab to pick me up from home at 5:00am. It was 4:00am. I was so excited I couldn’t take a nap anymore. My body was oozing with adrenaline. I reviewed my talk on my laptop, and I was so ready to preach! I knew I was going to preach my heart out. I looked at the taskbar on my laptop and I saw that the battery was low. So I looked for my charger. To my surprise, IT WASN’T THERE! I panicked! I unpacked and packed my bags three times! I looked for it everywhere and almost tore my room apart! I realized I may have left it in a retreat house in Tagaytay the previous night. To cut the story short, it was too late to get it. Imagine that! Going on a trip to a place to do something and realizing that I won’t be able to do the very thing I went on that trip for! But it wasn’t too late to email my PowerPoint slides to the organizer. And so I did. It would’ve been a waste!

Christianity is a journey. And part of that journey is to share Jesus (evangelize) and teach about Jesus (disciple). If you won’t be able to do that, then your journey will be a waste!

NEWSFLASH: Our prayer gatherings, the Feast, cannot do all that. Our events can just set up people to have a time with God, to make them aware of His presence, and start a hunger from within. But to make it sustainable, sharing Jesus and teaching about Jesus needs a more personal and more consistent venue. And that’s where you come in. You can bring this experience to your school, and bring Jesus to your classmates. So don’t stop at The Feast! Share the journey with others!

The Light of Jesus Youth Missions has now begun to share its journey to different campuses around the Philippines (and soon, the world!) through Campus Life.

Campus Life also intends to prepare the next generation of:
(1) Leaders. Through practical teachings and application of leadership skills;
(2) Learners. Through constant formation, growth, and development in all areas of student life;
(3) Lovers. Through a culture of sincerity, openness, friendship, and love.

Through Campus Life, we desire to share God’s journey of love & life to every student so that they may experience the gift of being fully alive.

Campus Life Locations 

(Contact Chris Santiago at 0998-5367014)

(Contact Marlon Rodil at 0921-3688915 & Niko Capucion at 0927-7922577)

Contact Ice Hidalgo at 0927-4514980