Archbishop Martin Jumoad of Ozamis. CBCP NEWS

By CBCP News

January 4, 2024

Manila, Philippines

Pope Francis has named Archbishop Martin Jumoad of Ozamis as the apostolic administrator of the Diocese of Pagadian.

In this capacity, he serves as the caretaker for the diocese at this time of transition, addressing the pastoral needs of the faithful and keeping things in an orderly way until the new bishop is appointed.

The appointment was made on Jan. 3, a day after the sudden death of Bishop Ronald Lunas who served the Mindanao diocese for nearly five years.

Lunas passed away on Jan. 2 at a public hospital in the city of Davao, a few days after he underwent a heart bypass operation.

The Pagadian diocese said the bishop died from “complications” after the surgery.

Jumoad, who has served as Ozamis archbishop since 2016, has asked for prayers for his added duties.

“I hope you truly pray for me. Please include me in your daily prayers,” he said.

Lunas’ funeral Mass is scheduled for Jan. 11 at the Sto. Niño Cathedral in Pagadian City, where he will be buried beside the church.


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