
2019 is your Victory Year

You can agree or disagree with the statement above. (It’s up to you.)

But whether you agree with it or not, we’re saying it anyway: We declare 2019 will be your Victory Year.

We declare wisdom, open doors, new paths, divine appointments. We declare breakthrough opportunities.

Say this: “This 2019, I shall be blessed and be a blessing. I shall receive abundance and share this abundance. God’s goodness and favor shall chase after me, every step of the way. In Jesus’ name.”

Take courage and have an amazing 2019!

Looking for Mr. and Ms. Right

Yes, we created this month’s teaching series for the single person in mind, but please, don’t ever think that married people won’t be massively blessed by the teachings. Here’s why: Many of your marriage problems don’t come from the other person but from the inner person. Before you can work on your relationship with another person, you need to work on your relationship with yourself. If your relationship with yourself sucks, your relationship with others will be horrible too. We’re excited to open this new series for you—singles and marrieds. We’ll solve our relationship disorders—perception, priorities, and purity. And we’ll learn how to adjust, reset, and have life-giving relationships. God will speak!

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Nation Building

Running for politics, and campaigning for specific candidates, and preaching about political issues is one way of loving this country.
Kudos to religious leaders who do that.

But most of us, we have a different call.

You don’t like the kings now? Don’t worry. Kings and queens will come and go.
But God will remain. We believe the only way to change our country is to change our hearts.

Let this series awaken the selfless leader in you.

Breaking Bad

Some bad habits poison the body, other bad habits poison the heart – like gossip, greed, apathy, self-loathing…

We have bad habits that we badly need to break. At the end of this revolutionary series, you will learn how to overcome bad habits  and learn how to create new one


Are you ready to be part of something really big? Bigger than anything you can ever imagine?

Fact: God is doing something breathtaking today, and He wants you to be part of it.

What is that? You’ll know more about this in our brand new series, ACTS, God Is Still Working Today. This month, we’ll be doing a semi-deep dive into the fifth book of the New Testament traditionally called the Acts of the Apostles.

By the end of the series, you’ll realize that whatever happened to those Apostles can happen to you too. Because God has not changed. Whatever God did in the past, He’s still does the same work today. And if you open your heart to Him, He’ll do amazing work in your life. Get ready to receive His power!


There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.
A time to plant and a time to uproot.
A day to weep and a day to laugh.
A moment to be silent and a moment to speak.
A season to hate and a season to love.

Friend, you can make the most out of every season and every age. Because no matter what stage you’re in, no matter what age— God is there.

In this series, learn how to bring out the best in your season. Get ready for a mega-dose of blessing for your life.

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This is our greatest epidemic today.

So many people are so stressed, they’re burning out.

But do you know what complicates this? Stress has become a sign of success. If you want to look successful, look stressed.

Fact: Over-stress isn’t only our greatest epidemic, it’s also our favorite addiction. Our drug of choice is busyness which leads to burnout.

Welcome to our exciting new series, Burn. This month, you’ll see how this dreaded epidemic is breaking up families, stealing our futures, and robbing us of our loved ones by sickness and early death.

But God has the perfect solution. Let’s unpack this together!

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Welcome to our brand new series, Creed.

For the next four weeks, we’ll work through our core beliefs as Jesus Followers, core beliefs written down in our ancient Creeds —Yes, there is a handful— and examine three special gifts they give us: Conviction, Communion, and Commission.

Some of you might be saying, “Can we talk about something else? Something more exciting? Why Creed? Jeepers. It sounds so… Jurassic and boring. What do these ancient Creeds have to do with my daily life? My relationships? My job? My family? My money?” Answer: Everything.

Let’s take a spiritual dive together. And ground ourselves to our faith.

Dawn of an Era

I believe that every morning, God gives you an opportunity to press the reset button of your life. Especially now as we start a new year. And a new decade!
Let go of the past. Start anew!
You may have lost some battles in 2019, but that’s only from a short-term context. God never thinks in that way, and if we want to follow Him, we must learn how He thinks.
God always thinks long term.
And from the long-term context, you’ve already won.
This 2020, will you be the good guy or the bad guy? Warning: bad guys win. But it will be short-lived. At the end of the day, good guys win.
You’ve already won.

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