
SPECIAL TALK: Be a Bringer November  28, 2021 2 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus’ mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding. 3 When the wine was gone, Jesus’ mother said to him, “They have no more wine.” 4 “Woman,[a] why do you involve me?” Jesus replied. “My hour has not yet come.” 5 His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you.” 6 Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.[b] 7 Jesus said to the servants, “Fill the jars with water”; so they filled them to the brim. 8 Then he told them, “Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet.”  They did so, 9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside 10 and said, “Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now.”  -- Luke 2:1-10 NIV TODAY, I’d like to preach to you this powerful message. If you can help me preach this, tell someone beside you, Be a Bringer. To me, the Wedding at Cana where Jesus turned water into wine is the most special miracle He ever did. It might not be the greatest of all time. It wasn’t as jaw-dropping as when He walked out of the tomb. It wasn’t as amazing as when He cast out demons. After all, He just turned water into wine. What’s so special about this one? Because it was the first one. Everyone knows that the first is always special. Your first crush. Your first love. Your first kiss. Your first break-up. Your first job. Your first paycheck. Your first airplane ride. Your first time to see our founder, Bro. Bo Sanchez, preach live. That’s a special one for me. I remember it like it was 12 years ago. Walking into Valle Verde one day and seeing this enigmatic preacher speak with fire on stage. And the first thought in my head was: OMG! Kuya Bojie from Batibot is now a preacher! And he even shortened his name to Bo! That’s why I think this miracle at Cana was special. Because it was Jesus’ first miracle. It marked the beginning of His public ministry that would be filled with a multitude of miracles. HOW many of you were blessed by the Feast Conference? Are you more joyful today than yesterday? Or is your joy still the same? One time, I made the mistake of saying that a friend ‘stole my joy’ because he did something that angered me. But later on, I realized that it was

SPECIAL TALK: Be A Bringer2021-12-03T17:19:49+08:00

SPECIAL TALK: Exhortation


SPECIAL TALK: Exhortation November  28, 2021 THE joy of the Lord is our strength. The joy of the Lord is your strength. I want you to know this: that God invented joy. But not only did He invent joy—He created the reason for joy. He created His own reason for joy. You see, God is joy. He wanted to be joyful. And what He did was He created the reason to be joyful. So, He created Audee Villaraza, Vanya Castor (Worship Ministry) He created you. So that He could be joyful. This is the God that you worship. And right now, you might not like yourself. You look down at yourself. Right now, you criticize yourself. You look at yourself and you’re not very fond of yourself. I’ve got good news for you. God created you and when He looks at you, He is happy. And when He is with you, He’s happy. The joy of the Lord is my strength. So, when I go through my trials, when I go through my struggles, I remember that God is happy when He is with me. And He becomes my strength. I’m a John the Baptist now. I want you to prepare your heart for the Word of God as spoken through Audee Villaraza. Audee will be preaching, but I want you to believe in your heart that God will be the One who will be speaking to you in your heart. Because Audee does not know what you’re going through but God knows what you are going through. And so, I want you to have this expectation that God is a God who is with you right now. Let me tell you a story… For three years, I lived in Anawim, our Ministry for Abandoned Elderly— it’s now a 30-year-old ministry. At the start, we had no electricity, no running water, and we were living in nipa huts. So, we had two kinds of visitors. The first kind comes and complains: “Ay, walang kuryente. Wala kang electric fan, Bro.Bo. Walang air-con!” The second kind of visitor thinks that Anawim is Heaven: “Bro. Bo, napaka-spoiled mo naman!” You see, especially at night, when there were no lights, we would look at the sky and see a million stars. It was so beautiful! My dear friends, there are also two kinds of persons right now listening to me. You see, the problem was not Anawim, the place. The problem was the perspective, the paradigm, the perception of the person. Life is a gift and you have to decide: Are you going to receive the gift or not? The Feast is a gift. The Word of God that Audee will be preaching now is a gift that God is giving to you. Will you receive it? Will you see it? I pray that right now, you’ll open your heart. If you expect little today from the Word of God, you will receive little. If you expect nothing, you will receive nothing.

SPECIAL TALK: Exhortation2021-12-03T16:59:43+08:00

SPECIAL FEATURE | Feast Conference 2021 – Day 3


Day 3 November  21, 2021 HOLY MASS FR.PAOLO ASPRER, SSP on the Gospel John 18: 33b-37 My Kingdom is Not of This World Excerpts… TODAY, my brothers and sisters, I hope, I pray, and I trust that you are doing well, in best dispositions to receive God's gift, hope of healing, grace of new beginnings as we celebrate today the solemnity of Christ the King. One of the most well-loved films of all times is The Lion King. I am a ‘90s kid so the film played a vital role, a part of my childhood whether it was on a Broadway or a stage adaptation for the film itself in 1994… It’s a hit, people love the story and music. It’s the story for the young ones and the once young, for the children and the child-like like Brother Bo. And we could see ourselves also as Christians in the main protagonist, Simba. In one of the gripping scenes of the film, Simba, through the prodding of the wise old prophetic baboon and his name is Rafiki, Simba realizes that he has to leave his hakuna matata—meaning, no trouble, his problem-free existence with the meerkat named Timon and the warthog named Pumbaa. He must leave his hakuna matata existence and go back to his homeland, the Pride Rock (home of the Lion King and his lioness). Pride Rock is turned into a barren wasteland by Simba’s wicked uncle, Scar, and his army of hyenas. Simba hesitates to go home because he is prevented by a bad memory and, of course, as bad memory as the death of his father, Mufasa, inflicted by Scar. Remember Who and Whose You Are The father of Simba appears to him and reminds his son to step on his role as the rightful heir to the throne and assures his son of his abiding presence. The conversation between the father and the son is noteworthy. Mufasa says, “You have forgotten who you are. Look inside yourself. Simba, you have forgotten me. You are more than what you have become. You must take your place in the circle of life.” The response of Simba: “How can I go back? I am not who I used to be.” Mufasa answers, “Remember who you are. You are my son, and the one true king. Remember whose you are.” Friends, look into the mirror and remember who you are. Let us remember whose we are. Hindi lamang natin alalahanin kung sino tayo pero kung kanino tayo. We belong to Christ the King, a servant King. We are not simply servants. We are not simply subjects. We are the children, the beloved sons and daughters of the servant King. You know, the irony of life is that we remember the things that we should forget and we forget the things that we should remember. Perhaps, this COVID-19 Pandemic—resulting in lost lives, lost opportunities, lost dreams-- has left a big scar, a bad memory in all of us. And

SPECIAL FEATURE | Feast Conference 2021 – Day 32021-11-28T02:51:29+08:00

SPECIAL FEATURE | Feast Conference 2021 – Day 2


Day 2 November  20, 2021 HOLY MASS FR. MELITITO POCHOLO VISDA JR., OSA on the Gospel: Luke 20:27-40 The Resurrection and Marriage Excerpts… My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, good morning! God is good… All the time… Let us give thanks to the Lord. Palakpakan natin Siya. Let us thank the Lord specially that we are gathered in this celebration of the Feast Conference online for this year 2021. No lockdowns can truly hinder the celebration specially thanking the Lord, praising the Lord with all our heart… My dear brothers and sisters, the Gospel today from the evangelist Luke highlights Jesus’ teaching on the Resurrection which is in response to the disbelief of the Sadducees on the Resurrection of the dead. This is why they posted a question to Jesus as to whose wife she would be among the seven brothers with whom she was married. The contention of the Sadducees was that the Resurrection is a continuation of the life we have here on Earth. But Jesus clearly answered, “Those who are dimmed worthy to the coming age and to the resurrection of the dead, neither married nor are given in marriage, they can no longer die for they are like angels and they are the children of God because they are the ones who will rise and that God is not God of the dead, but of the living, for him all are alive.” The Gospel today, my dear brothers and sisters, clearly reveals that our identity in the life to come is not associated with the life that we live here on Earth. Rather, it is rooted in the identity that we are God's children made out of His image and likeness. The glorification especially in the Resurrection, my dear brother and sisters, has purified and cleansed the totality of our very being where we recognize each other as God's children that is bonded out of God's overflowing love. That is why as God's children, we are created out of His love. Hence, we are motivated to love, to act joyfully in love, and to radiate the Presence of God Who is above all love. That's why, my dear brothers in sisters, we cannot deny that the love of the Lord will always cleanse us. It will penetrate our very being so that we will be reminded of our very identity-- that in this world that we are living in, we are called to love because it is out of the abundance of His love. It is Jesus who was manifested to us—so that the real meaning of love is not self-serving. Rather, love is self-giving-- where it gives joy and life to others as He offered Himself as a sacrifice on the Cross so that eternal life will be given to humanity out of His obedience to the will of our Heavenly Father. That is why we share in the Resurrection of Christ if we grow in obedience of God’s will in our

SPECIAL FEATURE | Feast Conference 2021 – Day 22021-11-28T02:05:05+08:00

SPECIAL FEATURE | Feast Conference 2021 – Day 1


Day 1 November  19, 2021 PRE-CONFERENCE SPECIAL! Hosts, from top: Jan Silan, Velden Lim, and Marianne Mencias HOLY MASS STEVE TYNAN: …Jesus’ life will not be fulfilled until He dies on the Cross. Jesus’ life will not bear the fruit it is meant to bear until He dies on the Cross. So, if you could interview Jesus right now, He would say to each one of us, “True joy is obedience to My Father’s will. True joy is suffering the indignities of what I suffered. True joy is being nailed to the Cross, so that my death can bring salvation to the world.” Not quite what we expect when we hear the word joy. But I think this is the challenge that God gives-- that the Holy Spirit gives to us who want to be disciples of Jesus. If we want to be disciples of Jesus, each one of us has to discover what true joy is…The joy that comes from salvation, the joy that comes from knowing and walking with the Lord will endure forever because it stems from our relationship with God. That’s our challenge. So they celebrated the dedication of the altar for eight days, and joyfully offered burnt offerings; they offered a sacrifice of well-being and a thanksgiving offering. 57 They decorated the front of the temple with golden crowns and small shields; they restored the gates and the chambers for the priests, and fitted them with doors. 58 There was very great joy among the people, and the disgrace brought by the Gentiles was removed. WORSHIP! WELCOME! BO SANCHEZ Founder, Light of Jesus Family Hallelujah! Father, we thank you that today is the day that the Lord has made! We shall rejoice and be glad in it! Let us give a big hand to the Lord. God is here and there. There is no greater joy than to be in the presence of the Lord! Thank you so much for being here, guys! We just had a difficult year but we're here together! Welcome to the Feast Conference 2021, Joyful! Joyful! Hello, everybody! To all the attendees online watching us from your home, from the office, in your way home, from Manila, Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao, and the international delegates specially our brothers and sisters in the Middle East and Europe, Joyful! Joyful! Welcome to all of you! I would also like to welcome our brothers and sisters from other various parts of the world! The joy of online! Hello to all of you!” ARUN GOGNA Feast Regional Mega Manila Builder While having the Mass, we were all in tears here in this venue. We call this the bubble venue. I was praying and hoping that you will be with us here… Sa Tagalog… sana all. But you know God is happening here, and I want you to believe that God is happening where you are right now too. The Holy Spirit is there with you as well and so we are all here!

SPECIAL FEATURE | Feast Conference 2021 – Day 12021-11-28T01:30:53+08:00

Hidilyn Diaz at The Feast


Hidilyn Diaz at The Feast AT 3 a.m. on Tuesday, July 27, 2021, Hidilyn Diaz sent a text message to our founder, Bro. Bo Sanchez, thanking The Feast Family for praying for her. By this time, the world already knew Hidilyn Diaz made history on Monday, July 26, 2021, as she won the first ever gold medal for the Philippines since our country has been competing for close to a hundred years in the Olympics. In the recent Olympics held in Tokyo, Japan, she snagged the top place in the women’s 55-kilogram class, after she lifted a combined weight of 224 kilograms, breaking Olympics record in that category of the women’s weightlifting competition. And, yes, among the first to whom she expressed deep gratitude for her victory is our Feast Family through Bro. Bo. That’s because Feasters prayed for Hidilyn before the Olympics. More on pages 6-7. Actually, we have always been praying for Sis. Hidilyn. Yes, we call her “Sis” because she is a member of our Feast, and thus our sister in Christ. In 2014, a friend invited Sis. Hidilyn to The Feast which in interviews after her victory, she has well acknowledged as instrumental in her faith journey. Bro. Alvin Barcelona shares Sis. Hidilyn’s blessings at The Feast, pages 3-5. Here, we share with you this Special Report on the success of Sis. Hidilyn, of The Feast, and above all, of our God of Victory!   All for His Glory, Randy Borromeo Feast Blessings for Sis. Hidilyn By BRO. ALVIN BARCELONA SIS. Hidilyn Diaz has been a Feaster since 2014 when she was just starting to compete in weightlifting events. She was invited by a friend to The Feast Bay Area at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) afternoon session, where I am preacher and she has been a regular attendee-- even now during this Coronavirus Pandemic, via our online gathering we call Feast-at-Home. She always asked to be prayed over every time she competed… Then came her first big win-- the silver medal in the Rio Olympics in 2016. We invited her onstage where she gave her testimony right after her Rio victory. I prayed over her onstage as I had been doing for her offstage for years. We prayed and claimed that in her next Olympics competition she would get the gold…And before the big event, led by Bro. Bo, we mounted online posters with the cheer, “Go Hidilyn!” Loving Life Sis. Hidilyn is an active Feaster, and she started serving at the Feast Bay Area afternoon session as among our ushers. She even joined our Love Life Retreat for single members. Above, that’s her at the front row of this souvenir photo of the Love Life Retreat Batch 28. Many times, we invited her to have dinner with us after The Feast. And as part of our pastoral care, we counsel her and extend actual help to her during her struggling moments. She has become a close friend as we

Hidilyn Diaz at The Feast2021-08-08T02:28:28+08:00
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