Talk 1: Debt Proof

And because I owe, I truly understand and feel when the bible says “…the borrower is the slave of the lender.” Proverbs 22:7

Talk Guides available here  

Talk 2: Doubt Proof

In this talk, we’ll learn more secrets to getting DEBT PROOF – of changing our mindsets, of making decisions of earning instead of borrowing, and to shift from borrower to lender – and ultimately to being a GENEROUS GIVER!

Talk Guides available here  

Talk 3: Decrease Proof

In this talk, let’s relearn the Law of the Farm – of planting, and growing what we planted, patiently, before we harvest it more plentifully. Let’s learn to SAVE, INVEST, PLAN, and PLANT.

Talk Guides available here  

Talk 4: Big Day

In this talk of our Debt Proof series, we’ll continue celebrating, reminiscing, and rejoicing in our COMING HOME to FREEDOM!

Talk Guides available here  

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