THE last Talk of our series, MORE THAN ENOUGH, in this talk, I will be quoting a passage, at the later part of this talk, where we got the phrase more than enough, and it will surprise you where we got those three words.
The title of my talk, You Don’t Have To Tithe, will not just be the controversial one — but the entire talk.
For the new ones, we started The Feast 45 years ago in a small garage of my parents’ home. We were only 20 to 30 people. We were already teaching people how to tithe. I have heard hundreds of beautiful stories about tithing.
People come to me and say: “Bro. Bo, if there’s one thing that The Feast has blessed my life with, it is tithing…” “When I started to tithe, it changed my life. There were material blessings, but it was my life that changed…” “Before I started tithing, I was a worrier, materialistic, and greedy. My resources seemed to be lacking, but when I started tithing, I suddenly had peace in my heart, and there was abundance in my mind…”
But there would be people who would have a negative reaction to tithing. They would say: “God’s word is free; hence, why does The Feast keep on asking for money?”
I understand that. But believe me when I say this: Over the past 45 years that we’ve been in teaching and practicing tithing, there have been problems, and I’d like to correct them today.
Malachi 3:8 says: “Will a mere mortal rob God? Yet you rob me. But you ask, ‘How are we robbing you?’ “In tithes and offerings.”
Malachi 3:8 is an often-quoted verse from the Old Testament. It makes people feel that whenever they don’t give 10% of their earnings, they rob God.
But in the New Testament, Luke 12:41-44 talks about the poor widow’s offering of two very small copper coins– and Jesus praised her for it. The widow was offering from her poverty.
There is this legalistic interpretation of tithing. Some churches teach that the whole 10% should entirely be offered to the Church and that giving to the poor or charities is not considered a tithe.
I disagree with that.
In the Old Testament, Malachi 3:10 says: “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house.”
If God leads you to do that, that’s great. But you cannot apply that to everybody. It’s logical that you support The Feast. It’s logical that you support the Church, for there are expenses.
Please do give. But I will never make it a Divine law to give only to the Church — and then whatever you give to the poor, to your relatives, or to Anawim, should be outside your 10%.
That’s not for me to decide. Go before God say, “Lord, what do you want me to do with your money?” At The Feast, we never taught tithing as a black and white rule– but a broad guideline as a personal choice between you and God alone.
Tithing has not made people generous. According to some statistics that I researched, poor people give more than rich people. In 1955, Americans gave 3.2% of their income. Some 50 years later, in 2006, Americans gave 2.6% even if they were richer by 569%. Those in the upper economic strata who earn $150,000 a year or more gave even lower: 1.8%. Something is wrong.
If you read the New Testament, you will see that Jesus does not believe that being a consistent tither is enough.
The consistent tithers in the New Testament were the Pharisees. Jesus corrected them in Matthew 23:23: “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You give a tenth of your spices—mint, dill and cumin. But you have neglected the more important matters of the law—justice, mercy and faithfulness. You should have practiced the latter, without neglecting the former.
It’s almost like a report card in school, and the Pharisees were the students who were spiritually proud that they got an A in the subject of tithing.
But Jesus, the “Dean” said: “What’s your grade in the major subjects like mercy and justice?”
The Pharisees looked at the report card, and saw the grade was an F.
When we tithe, we kind of say, “I’m okay now. I can cheat in my business. I can lie. I can take advantage of my customers. Anyway, I’m going to tithe all my profits.”
But you failed in justice and mercy.
The reason people give is that it’s transactional. God will indeed reward us, but still, we cannot make that the motive of our giving.
You give because it’s the right thing to do. You give because God deserves it. You give because it’s good for your soul. You give because you love. And God owns it all, anyway.
We need to look at two questions:
1. How was tithing done in the Old Testament?
The Israelites were not giving 10% because there was not just one but three types of tithes– each having a different purpose. And if you add all three types, you’ll see the Israelites were giving 22 to 50%.
2. How do we practice tithing or giving in the New Testament?
When Jesus met Zacchaeus, he had a spiritual conversion which made him give not only 10% but 50% of his wealth to the
When the poor widow gave two copper coins, she did not give 10% but 100%.
When the woman broke the alabaster jar to anoint Jesus, it was so costly that it was not only 10% but 100%.
When the wise men visited baby Jesus and offered expensive gifts of myrrh, gold, and
When the apostles left their fishing boats and their families to follow Jesus.
When women like Mary Magdalene, Susanna, and Joanna supported Jesus financially in His entire three years of public ministry.
When Joseph of Arimathea donated his family tomb where Jesus would be buried.
When Paul decided that he would not receive the allowance from his church, and instead, he worked as a tentmaker to support
This inspired me many years ago when I told The Feast to not give me my allowance. I said I’m going to build small businesses, and that’s what I’m doing now.
New Testament Giving
Radical Generosity is Fr. Bob McConaghy…with this crazy story…
Fr. Bob has a missionary friend in Davao. His name is Caloy. He needed a motorcycle to do his missionary work.
Fr. Bob told Caloy: “Do not buy a motorcycle. It’s accident prone. I’ll sell you my old car for P20,000.00.
When Caloy received the car, he found a whole set of golf clubs in its trunk.
He returned it to Fr. Bob.
But Fr. Bob said, “No. I don’t play golf anymore. It’s yours.”
So, Caloy sold the golf clubs for P15,000.00–which means that Caloy kind of bought the car for only P5000.00.
Caloy, however, had a hard time with that car because it had to undergo various repairs. Fr. Bob heard about it, and he told Caloy, “Just give back the car to me. I’ll buy it from you at P80,000.00.
When Caloy got the P80,000, he used it to finance the ministry that he is in now.
That’s radical generosity.
This is New Testament giving. It is not about percentages.
It is about asking God:
“Lord, everything I have belongs to You. What do you want me to do with Your wealth? I’ll do it.”
Later, we’re going to have a Love Offering. Give cheerfully. Give with joy.
My fantasy is that one day at The Feast, there will be no more portions for love offerings because there are enough Feasters who are practicing radical generosity. Their giving is automatic.
As God blesses you, give. If God blesses you more, give more.
You don’t want people to know that you’re giving. Instead, you want God to know that you’re giving. Don’t feel bothered if your help is not being acknowledged.
God will be the one to thank you and reward you for your radical generosity.
In the Book of Exodus, there is a mention of a practice called “Freewill Offering.”
In the Old Testament, tithe was 22% to 50%.
On top of that, there’s a Freewill Offering which is a voluntary practice to give more.
Right now, I believe that the New Testament form of giving radical generosity is based on the Freewill Offering of the Old Testament.
This is the story:
Do you want this to happen here, at The Feast– in your Community? That the Offering will be more than enough?
May I give you a glimpse of what happens backstage about my discussions with Bro Audie and Bro Alvin: “How much was the Love Offering? Is it enough to pay PICC? How much do we owe PICC? Lord, we pray the Love Offering will be enough to pay our debt, and we wish there’s more for Anawim…”
Love Offering
The Gift of Radical Generosity
I want time to come that we will stand onstage and say:
“Brothers and Sisters, you have given so much. We have all the money to pay PICC for the next five years, and because of that, 100% of our weekly offerings will go to our Feast Mercy Ministries.”
Do you want that to happen? Let’s pray that God will give each of us the beautiful gift of radical generosity.
Look at the radical generosity of Jesus on the Cross for you. He gave everything.
He did not give 10% of His blood and of His body. He gave 100%.
The only fitting response to that kind of radical generosity is to ask God: “Lord, help me. I’m praying for more than enough because I want to give more. Give me more. Bless me more. Empower me more. Fill me with more– not for myself. I just want to be your channel today in this world.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Let’s lift our hands to God:
Father, I’m praying for more than enough. I’m praying for radical generosity. In Jesus’ Name.
Father God, Thank You for the opportunity to give and I know abundance will flow so I can give even more. In Jesus’ Name. Amen
Friends, your money is just a symbol of value. Bottomline, God does not want your money. He wants you. He wants you to offer your whole life to Him.
Will y ou do it?
For most of you we’re going to renew that commitment to give our lives and follow Him all the days that are remaining. Maybe there are few of you, this is your first time that you’re giving your life to the Lord and you’re going to follow Him.
Let’s do it. Put your hand over your chest, or lift your hands as a symbol of following Jesus. Say:
Jesus, I’m yours. from this day on, until the last day of my life, I’m giving 100% because I belong to you. All my decisions are yours. My attachments, they’re all yours. I have one job description: I will do what You want me to do.
On my own, I cannot do this. But because of the Cross, by Your Power, I can! Amen.
My dear friends, you don’t have to tithe. You just have to be radically generous.