God will save our broken world through loving families.
This is His master plan.
Why do we believe this? Because when we see brokenness in any human being, we see it rooted in family brokenness.
When we look around at the Feasts around the world, God is raising a new generation of loving families. God is raising beautiful, imperfect families who have more love today than they ever had before.
In this series, we will spend time praying for your family. So that you’ll overflow with His love—more today than yesterday, more tomorrow than today.
Talk 1: Homesick
Talk 1, Homesick, teaches how to overcome loneliness when one is alone and far away from one’s family, and sometimes, far away from God. The talk also presents ways to prevent “relationship drift” among family members.
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Talk 3: Homecoming
Talk 3 is titled Homecoming, but home here is not just a geographical place. Home is where love happens. If there’s no love among family members, when they have broken relationships, then they don’t have a home.
But God is the great transformer. He transforms problems into purpose, hurts into healing.
Like in the case of Joseph and his family. His brothers plotted evil against him, but God turned it into good—the key message of Talk 3.
Love prevailed among Joseph and his brothers, they reconciled, and so they were home.
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Need A Prayer?
Sometimes, when life feels overwhelming, and all you have are questions, you start feeling hopeless and a bit lost. But it’s during these times that someone praying for you can give you the hope you need to go on and face life’s challenges.