Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara at the closing Mass of the Diocese of Pasig’s Strategic Clergy Planning in Tagaytay City on June 9, 2023. DIOCESE OF PASIG
By CBCP News
June 16, 2023
Manila, Philippines
After nearly 20 years of its existence, a new strategic pastoral plan for the Diocese of Pasig seeks to boost evangelization work.
The pastoral plan emerged as a result of a recent visioning process, which aims to inspire and guide the diocese’s ministry for years to come.
Bishop Mylo Hubert Vergara described the strategic clergy planning process as one that is infused with the spirit, synodal in nature, and systematic in approach.
“The planning process is spirit-inspired, it is synodal, it is systematic,” said Vergara, who is also the Vice President of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines.
“That is how we will look at the character, not of a corporate strategic plan, but of a pastoral strategic planning of the clergy,” he said.
The clergy planning took place in Tagaytay City from June 5 to 9, ahead of the 20th anniversary of the diocese’s canonical establishment.
During this five-day gathering, the clergy actively and openly expressed their views and concerns, particularly their eagerness to implement and closely monitor the pastoral plan.
In the initial sessions, they revisited the diocese’s vision and mission statements and ultimately decided to retain the current vision statement. However, they placed greater emphasis on the diocesan motto, “Ut Unum Sint,” by incorporating it into the vision statement.
The mission statement underwent a renewal process, emphasizing the dedication “to a renewed and sustained integral evangelization of the clergy, religious, family, youth, basic ecclesial communities and the poor, through: Synodality, Stewardship, and Social Transformation.”
During the subsequent sessions, the assembly established directions and identified program priorities, which included priestly life and ministry, religious communities, families, youth, basic ecclesial communities, the impoverished, financial stewardship, and diocesan structures.
After outlining the goals and objectives for each pastoral priority, the assembly proceeded to develop a three-year pastoral plan for implementation.
The gathering concluded with a Mass, during which the clergy signed the “Testament of Acceptance, Ownership, and Commitment” to the vision, mission, goals, and objectives formulated during the planning process.
The Diocese of Pasig was established as a new diocese on June 26, 2003, and canonically erected on August 21, 2003.
The diocese encompasses the cities of Pasig and Taguig, along with the municipality of Pateros.
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