Embraced Day 1
Get to Know How Big Your God Is
Lent is more than just giving up your favorite things. Lent is not about you doing something for God, it is about God doing something for you.
Let’s make this Lent a different kind of Lent. Ask God to reveal Himself to you during these 40 days of knowing Him more and allow Him to do something new in your life.
Welcome to Embraced! Today, Ash Wednesday, we start the Lenten Season. We invite you to enter into a 40-day personal prayer time with God and let Him meet your deepest needs in five ways—as our Father, our Leader, our Provider, our Healer, and our Protector.
As we journey in the coming days, we encourage you to:
LISTEN to the Word that will touch your hearts.
WATCH stories of hope and victory from ordinary people.
PRAY in silence and be alone with God.
REFLECT on His messages and share them to bless others.
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