Who Can Lead Us

A People in Search of A King

Talk 1:  Remember What God Has Done

This Feast Sunday, we begin a new series: WHO CAN LEAD US? A People in Search of a King: A Bible Study on Joshua, Judges, and Samuel. Joshua, Judges, and Samuel continue the story of Israel in the first five books of the Bible—Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy—also called the Torah.

In these three books, the Israelites needed a qualified leader to be their King. In this powerful series, WHO CAN LEAD US?, we ask:
·Who influences me? What influences me?
·How can I pick the best influence for my life?
·How can I influence others to become better people?
·How can I make the Greatest Leader—Jesus—lead me?

Talk 2: As For Me And My House

WELCOME back to our series, WHO CAN LEAD US, our Bible Study on Joshua, Judges, and Samuel. 

This is the second talk unpacking the Book of Joshua.

The key message: “As for me and my family, we will serve the Lord.”

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