The FEAST FAMILY online newsmagazine usually started with a message by our founder,
Bro. Bo Sanchez about the Feast Talk for the Sunday when our issue would be posted.
In 2024, The FEAST FAMILY began with a major announcement by Bro. Bo:
We let Bro. Audee Villaraza write the Talk for The Feast January 7, 2024.
Community needs to see other leaders such as Bro. Audee Villaraza and Bro. Alvin Barcelona greet them too once in a while.
May your dreams come true, Bo Sanchez
Bro. Audee Villaraza announced the first Feast Talk in 2024:
Based on Philippians 1
Key Message: Make this year a chance for God to continue the work He began in you… Because until you allow the work of the Lord to start in you again, it will never continue. My prayer for all of you today is that you would allow God to continue the work that He started in you on Day 1. And to allow Him to not just continue this year but to complete you this year.
Bro. Bo Sanchez began a new Feast Talk on January 14, 2024, titled
TABLE TALKS: Community Recipes of Love, about embracing our family identity, family vision, and our common strategy for fulfilling this high vision.
The FEAST FAMILY February 2024 continued Table Talks.
Excerpt from Bro. Bo’s intro:
Faith vs. Works?
FOR the past 500+ years, there’s been this old debate about how someone gets saved. Is it by faith or by works? Many people assume that Protestants believe that we’re saved by faith and Catholics believe that we’re saved by works.
But that’s not true. In a very real sense, the “faith vs. works” argument is a false dichotomy. Because faith is not just believing the right doctrine. It’s not ticking off whether you mentally assent that Jesus is God. Instead, faith is trusting Jesus with your whole life. It’s a discipleship relationship of surrender. Ultimately, you follow Him forever.
Here’s how I express it: “I’m not saved by faith or by works. I’m saved by Grace. And the only reason I can have any kind of faith or do any kind of good work is by His unstoppable Grace.”
This perspective goes beyond doctrines.
This paradigm—that “everything is grace”—overflows on what kind of church we will build in this world.
MARCH 2024
A new Feast Talk series:
We’re starting a new series today called MESSY SAINTS. We’re going to take a deep dive into 1 Corinthians– a letter from the apostle Paul to the people of Corinth.
What’s awkward about this letter is that Paul is revealing the ugliness of what’s happening in Corinth. (Located in Peloponnese, Greece, now known as Archaia Korinthos.)
He’s revealing skeletons in the closet. The letter was a private conversation between Paul and the Corinth community. The community was like a home church, like our Feast Lights which has 10-30 members per home. Most probably, a total of 150 parishioners…
… When everything is going wrong in the community, ministry, and life itself, the simple advice of Paul is this:
“Always go back to the beginning. Always Go Back to the Cross.”
When you look at the Cross, you will wonder what can be greater than the Cross. Who else sacrificed the way Jesus did?
Today, we have this privilege of going back to Him. To see Jesus clearing the Temple again. To point us in the right direction. Nothing else matters– only Jesus.
APRIL 2024
A Special Mini Series:
We are going to do a four-Sunday talk mini-series before we launch into another long series. This special series is called Raised to Life.
We are going to try to answer the question: “What does it mean to be truly raised to life with Jesus?”
What is the evidence that you are being raised by Jesus?
It’s through L.I.F.E:
…Sometimes, when you love, there is pain. If you get love without getting hurt, then you have never really loved. Even God got hurt when He was rejected by many of us. But the difference between God’s love and our love is that even if God gets hurt, He doesn’t get tired of loving you.
We’re a bunch of imperfect people– who are struggling, who fail. But you know what? We’re doing it together. We’re reaching out to the Lord every week and we’re saying, “Lord God, come.”
The perfect people don’t come here. But because we’re imperfect, we need God.
Let us not give up meeting, as some are in the habit of doing.
But let us encourage one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching. –Hebrews 10:25.
MAY 2024
Brand-new Feast Talk Series
While there are some people who are good at managing their emotions, some of us are not very good at that. Why? We have two reasons:
- We have trouble labelling our
- We have trouble leading our
Those two problems go hand-in-hand. You cannot lead something that you’re unable to label. If you cannot label it, you cannot lead it.
God created us with emotions. He could have created us as robots. If He made us as robots, we would have been more efficient. But why did God give us emotions?
I have a hunch. Every emotion has a purpose– even the darkest ones.
For many people, emotions like happiness, gratitude, and peace are all good emotions. But emotions like anger, fear, and worry are all bad emotions.
We need to re-program our mind and say, “No, there are no such things as bad emotions.”
There are only bad ways of leading them. Each emotion carries a gift.
JUNE 2024
This month, Bro. Bo wrapped up the Feast series FEEL:
Why Your Emotions Matter with a summary of gifts each emotion carries, and highlighting the special gift of happiness.
Bro. Bo also introduced a new series titled RESTED, based on the Sabbath.
There are some of you whose lifestyle is depleting little by little. You don’t know it but it’s siphoning your health and your family. In a way, it’s also taking away your love, inner peace and joy. It’s collapsing the infrastructure of your life.
God rested. But here we are acting like supermen, superwomen, acting like little gods — not resting.
JULY 2024
Jubilee Year
As our Catholic Church celebrates the year 2025 as our Jubilee Year, the month of July is significant for The FEAST as this is the month we learn about the Jubilee Year which was Talk 4 our series RESTED.
Our Catholic Church sets a period of remission, or cancellation, from the penal or punishment consequences of sin under certain conditions for a year, usually at intervals of 25 years. https://www.google.com/search? Definitions from Oxford Languages
Talk 4 highlighted the Sabbath Year and the Jubilee Year for the Israelites.
The Sabbath Year means one whole year of rest for the land and its workers.
After 7 Sabbath Years or 49 years, they celebrate the Jubilee Year, the 50th year, during which time slaves would be emancipated, debts would be forgiven.
After six years of planting and pruning, that land needs a year of rest to recover.
The farmer has a scientific basis for this, and it’s called “fallowing.”
But the Bible is reminding us not just of the scientific but also of the practical and spiritual aspects of resting the land.
Imagine: Picture yourself having a one-year vacation. You’d be anxious: “How will I eat? Who’s going to pay my bills? Who’s going to send my kids to school? Who’s going to pay for my Lazada orders?”
But it can also get you excited especially if you know that God provides.
God will ensure that you will be given what you need…
The Sabbath gives us time and energy to stay still and remember our core identity: “We–you and I– are God’s beloved.”
Through the Sabbath time– the pause– we remember that we are the beloved of God. You and the people around you are beautiful, amazing, loving, and phenomenal. We are family in the Light of Jesus in The Feast– that is one of the gifts of the Sabbath…
Yes, August 3, 1997, is The FEAST birthday! So, The FEAST FAMILY August 4, 2024, starts with The Feast Letters section of Bro. Randy Borromeo, reminiscing our happy 27 Years.
The FEAST Year 27
Happy Anniversary
IF you’re a regular Feaster, you know our Light of Jesus
Family began when Bro. Gene Sanchez and our Tita Pilar attended a Charismatic gathering and eventually started a prayer meeting at the garage of their home at 56 Chicago St., Quezon City. They celebrated their first anniversary on September 9, 1980. The following week, on September 16, 1980, their youngest son Bo, then only 14 years old, led the prayer meeting.
Every quarter, we held a General Assembly called Victory Celebration with Jesus which eventually became The Feast starting on August 3, 1997.
Above, that’s Bro, Bo leading our Feast at our first venue, the Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City.
Yes, The Feast is now 27 years old! The traditional
LOJ General Assembly is now what we call our Grand Feast. Like our Grand Feast of our Feast Bay Area last Sunday, July 27, 2024.
In this issue, we share with you images of our celebration as our Feast has remained the happiest place to be.
“Happy” does not mean we don’t struggle through the challenges of building and sustaining our Community. There are trials big and small. Like Typhoon Carina last Sunday, causing power interruptions– so that our sound system conked out now and then. That explains why our founder, Bro. Bo Sanchez, was using a huge megaphone to continue blessing us with God’s Word.
No, nothing can stop God’s Feast. Happy Anniversary to us all!
The FEAST FAMILY this month saw a first in the history of our Light of Jesus Feast: Bro. Bo Sanchez delivering with his son,
Bible nerd Bene, the new Feast Talk series Come and See: A Bible Study on John.
But instead of standing onstage, look: they are sitting on a couch, just chatting, like father and son, but actually discussing profound, if not mind-boggling analysis of how the Apostle John wrote the Gospel –so that we can, yes, come and see, and most important, experience Jesus.
Something different. That’s what we saw this October.
We’re still on the Feast Talk Series Come and See: A Bible on Study on John.
It’s a study, so, as we said, Apostle John’s version of the Gospel could be mind-boggling.
To make learning the Gospel less tedious, Bro. John Ben Rodriguez does something different.
He presents two chapters right away: John 3 and John 4 to compare the different ways two persons– Nicodemus, the Pharisee, and the Samaritan Woman– encountered Jesus.
Although there were many differences, there was something common between the two: They both needed Jesus.
That’s why they met Jesus. They encountered Jesus. I believe that we all need Jesus. I believe this because it was said that Jesus met the Samaritan Woman at noon, and He met Nicodemus at night. This means that in different seasons of our lives, we need Jesus.
I don’t know about you. It may be nighttime in your life right now.
Everything seems dark. You’re losing hope. Bills are piling up. You don’t know what to do with the problems…
Go to Jesus! He will meet you.
Speaking of learning, November is the month of our biggest inspirational learning event, the FEAST CONFERENCE.
This month, The FEAST FAMILY came out with the FEAST CONFERENCE 2024 Special one on Day 1, and another one on Day 2
We issue another Special on Day 3, together with The FEAST FAMILY The Year That Was issue, posted this Sunday, January 5, 2024.
DAY 1 NOVEMBER 22, 2024
Opening Mass
We need BEER every day:
Bible, Eucharist, Express Love, Rosary…
…When we do things with great love, we will be channels of His grace and others will be enlightened.
Plenary Talk 2
The Talk in Plenary 2 is a conversation, interview style, between Bro. Bo Sanchez and special guest Jonathan Roumie.
Jonathan Roumie is an American actor playing the role of Jesus in The Chosen, an American Christian television historical drama, a worldwide megahit show.
Yearend Messages