Our History
March 26, 1978, Tito Gene (Eugenio Sanchez Sr.) and Tita Pilar attended their first prayer meeting held by the Upper Room Prayer Group in Project 7, Quezon City.
The Sanchez’s attended the prayer meetings regularly, bringing along their children. In one of those meetings, a leader of the Upper Room, looking at the Sanchez’s youngest son Bo, then only 12 years old, prophesied that the boy would be speaking to thousands about God.
After 18 months, the Sanchez’s decided to organize their own prayer group, named the Light of Jesus, and held their first prayer meeting at the garage of their home at 56 Chicago Street, Cubao, Quezon City, on September 9, 1980, with Bo leading the meeting.
The following year, 30 regular attendees of the prayer meetings formed the Core Family of what was then called Light of Jesus Community.
March 26, 1978, Tito Gene (Eugenio Sanchez Sr.) and Tita Pilar attended their first prayer meeting held by the Upper Room Prayer Group in Project 7, Quezon City.
The Sanchez’s attended the prayer meetings regularly, bringing along their children. In one of those meetings, a leader of the Upper Room, looking at the Sanchez’s youngest son B
March 26, 1978, Tito Gene (Eugenio Sanchez Sr.) and Tita Pilar attended their first prayer meeting held by the Upper Room Prayer Group in Project 7, Quezon City.
The Sanchez’s attended the prayer meetings regularly, bringing along their children. In one of those meetings, a leader of the Upper Room, looking at the Sanchez’s youngest son Bo, then only 12 years old, prophesied that the boy would be speaking to thousands about God.
After 18 months, the Sanchez’s decided to organize their own prayer group, named the Light of Jesus, and held their first prayer meeting at the garage of their home at 56 Chicago Street, Cubao, Quezon City, on September 9, 1980, with Bo leading the meeting.
The following year, 30 regular attendees of the prayer meetings formed the Core Family of what was then called Light of Jesus Community.
o, then only 12 years old, prophesied that the boy would be speaking to thousands about God.
After 18 months, the Sanchez’s decided to organize their own prayer group, named the Light of Jesus, and held their first prayer meeting at the garage of their home at 56 Chicago Street, Cubao, Quezon City, on September 9, 1980, with Bo leading the meeting.
The following year, 30 regular attendees of the prayer meetings formed the Core Family of what was then called Light of Jesus Community.
In the ‘80s, as the Core Family went out to establish prayer meetings in various parts of Metro Manila and nearby provinces, members of the Light of Jesus or LOJ rapidly increased in number. The members, coming from various walks of life, were grouped into “families,” composed of 30 to 50 members, such as the Love Family, Strength Family, Joy Family, Peace Family, Faith Family, and the Glory Family.
The families built more prayer meetings and so LOJ organized branches such as the Discipleship Communities for Christ (DCC); Homes for Christ, for couples; Youth Mission for Parishes and Communities (YMPACT); Esther, for single women professionals; Joshua, for single men professionals; and Tabitha, for single mature women.
In the 1990s, as members went to the Visayas and Mindanao to establish prayer groups, more people joined the Light of Jesus. And so the community was organized into various regions, districts, and chapters. Each chapter was composed of caring groups, the nucleus of the entire organization, composed of five to 15 members.
By the early 2000s, Bro. Bo established the Feast, a Sunday prayer gathering with Holy Mass, lively worship, and series of talks on practical Christian Living – first held at Camp Aguinaldo in Quezon City. The members of the LOJ regions and chapters were reorganized to build more Feasts which showed videos of talks of Bro. Bo in the main Feast.
Come 2009, Bro. Bo, following leading from the Lord, assigned Feast Builders, well known preachers and authors of spiritual books, who established new Feasts. Today, there are now over 150 Feasts, led by these Feast Builders.
Light of Jesus has also gone international, establishing prayer groups in key areas in Asia, the Middle East, the United States of America, United Kingdom, Oceania, Canada and the Bahamas which are also holding Feasts.
What is the Feast?
The Feast is a weekly gathering of the members of the Light of Jesus family in locations across the country and around the world. It is a place in which we grow as a community, enriching our lives not just spiritually, but in other aspects as well.
It is one of the happiest places on Earth, and we dream of 1,000 Feasts all over the world.
Why is it called the Feast?
It is called the Feast because it is where we gather to celebrate God’s love for us and for our brothers and sisters.
What happens in the Feast?
Every week, we gather as a family and begin in praise and worship and offer it to God. It is followed by a talk given by our Feast Builders that refreshes and recharges us, preparing us for the week to come. It is also through the Feast that we participate in other activities–outreach programs, retreats, where we meet and bond with members of our community.
Is it free?
Absolutely! All you need to do is bring yourself, wear a smile on your face, and prepare to have fun. You can also bring friends and family with you.
Are only Catholics welcome at the Feast?
We are all God’s children, so anyone who wishes to attend is very much welcome.
Can I bring children to the Feast?
The Feast in itself is a family, so of course you can bring your children with you. What better way to grow with them as you go on thus journey together? It is also important to note that there are several different ministries within the Feast that address each member’s needs — Couples Ministry, Singles Ministry, Youth Ministry, Awesome Kids Ministry, Solo Parents Ministry, and Gracious Living Ministry.
I am not religious, so why should I go to the Feast?
Everyone wants to be happy. To be accepted. To be loved. At the Feast, you are welcome as you are, accepted as you are, and loved as you are. It is a place without judgement. A place where you can be safe and feel at home.
Bo Sanchez
September 9, 1980, the Light of Jesus held their first prayer meeting at the Sanchez home in Quezon City. On September 16, at the second prayer meeting of the group, 14-year old Bo Sanchez gave his first talk. He has not stopped preaching since.
His work as a lay preacher has brought him all over the world. Bo has received many recognitions and awards in the Philippines and the Church. These include winning the Ten Outstanding Young Men (TOYM) award in 2006 and the Serviam Award, the highest award a lay Catholic may receive, from the Catholic Mass Media Awards in 2007.
A more enduring testament to God’s work in Bo’s life are the many institutions and organizations that he started and supports. Through these ministries, many lives have been changed for good.

international motivational speaker. He is a former Theology professor at the De La Salle College of St. Benilde where he taught for ten years. He acquired his Masters in Theology Degree from Don Bosco Center of Studies, where he graduated Magna Cum Laude. He is also the founder of CreativeHouse Inc., an organization
specializing in trainings, values formation seminars for
companies, schools, universities and organizations. Bro. Arun is a recording artist and best-selling author. He is married to orthodontist, Dr. Lallaine Lucas-Gogna and they have two children, Andrea Helene and Yohan Gabriel.

Feast Builders
The Feast Youth is love.
Acceptance. Embracing. Warmth. Good feels. Exciting. Happy. Tears may come but joy comes as well. Filled with grace.
We are the youth ministry of the Light of Jesus Family.
We are founded by Catholic lay preacher & best-selling author, Bro. Bo Sanchez.
We engage in lots of awesome, crazy and fun-filled activities such as youth camps, fellowships, sportsfests and connect groups.
We laugh a lot and simply enjoy life!
We love to bond with, get along, and share life with lots of people, especially the youth. We express our love through time, service
& affirmation to various youth groups, parishes and schools. And from time to time, we reach out to the elderly, the orphans
and the street kids. And for sure, we’d love to connect with you!
We bring back all the glory to the One who loves us soooooo much! We involve ourselves in intimate, passionate & rocking worship.
We nourish ourselves with God’s Word through life-changing talks given by inspiring youth speakers and Kerygma preachers.
And we spend time sharing His love and mercy in making young disciples.
Feast Youth
Feast Youth is the missionary movement of the Feast Youth whose advocacy is to prepare the next generation of leaders in the families, church and the country by creating a missionary heart among college students. This movement is led by our campus missionaries in partnership with our youth heads and school administrators. Our strategy is three-fold: Win, Build, and Send. We win students through authentic friendship, build them up in faith and skills, and send them to reach the world.
We believe that Christianity is a journey. And part of that journey is to share Jesus (evangelize) and teach about Jesus (disciple). Campus LIFE provides a more consistent and personal venue to take part in sharing Jesus and teaching about Jesus through one-to-ones, small group Bible Studies, and Talks.
Feast Youth

Feast Youth is the missionary movement of the Feast Youth whose advocacy is to prepare the next generation of leaders in the families, church and the country by creating a missionary heart among college students. This movement is led by our campus missionaries in partnership with our youth heads and school administrators. Our strategy is three-fold: Win, Build, and Send. We win students through authentic friendship, build them up in faith and skills, and send them to reach the world.
We believe that Christianity is a journey. And part of that journey is to share Jesus (evangelize) and teach about Jesus (disciple). Campus LIFE provides a more consistent and personal venue to take part in sharing Jesus and teaching about Jesus through one-to-ones, small group Bible Studies, and Talks.