Bishop Emeritus Angel Hobayan of the Diocese of Catarman. FILE PHOTO

By CBCP News

March 11, 2023

Manila, Philippines

Retired Bishop Angel Hobayan, the first bishop of the Diocese of Catarman who oversaw the growth of the local church for 30 years, died March 11. He was 93.

The country’s oldest bishop died at around 2:30 a.m. at the Cardinal Santos Medical Center in Metro Manila, the diocese said in a statement.

“We extend our sincerest condolences to the bereaved family and relatives and to all the faithful of the diocese,” said Bishop Emmanuel Trance of Catarman.

“We enjoin our parishes and mission centers to celebrate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for his eternal repose,” he said.

Born in Taft, Eastern Samar, Hobayan was ordained priest on March 25, 1955.

Incardinated in the Diocese of Borongan, he served as its vicar general and the first rector of the Seminario de Jesus Nazareno. 

Pope Paul VI who is now a saint appointed him to head the Catarman diocese in 1974, and also becoming the first and only bishop so far from Borongan diocese.

He was ordained bishop on March 5, 1975. His installation took place on March 11, 1975.

Hobayan retired from episcopal ministry on March 10, 2005, after reaching the mandatory retirement age of 75.

His death also came exactly 48 years after the canonical foundation of the Diocese of Catarman.


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