Messy Saints: Talk 3 – Correct But Still Self Centered
builder2024-03-22T23:54:36+08:00Talk BRO. DIDOY LUBATON:Excerpts…We can be correct in our ways but sometimes, it's not caring for others. Let me expound on that as we preach today.The third problem that Paul addressed to the Corinthians is this food offered to the idols.Should the people eat or not eat food offered to the idols?Our one big message for today is "Others First."Read with me 1 Corinthians 8:ConflictSome of you may be wondering what is happening.There are so many issues about the food!Here's the context:The Gospel was preached from Israel all over the world. The Gospel traveled across the nations.It also went up to the nation of Greece, in the middle of Corinth.Paul was tasked to preach to the Gentiles -- the non-believers. Since Paul experienced a conversion, he started to preach the Gospel which was really converting people to Christianity.It took a while but here it is:There are some churches of Christ's followers coming together from different places.Take note that people from Greece grew up with their mythology.They were surrounded by temples for Zeus, Apollo, Aphrodite, and Athena. The capital of Greece, which is Athens, comes from the worship of Athena, goddess of heroic endeavor and military victory.The people are used to offering animal sacrifices at the temple.Number 1 is clear. Christians know that they should not eat what was offered to the idol.But Numbers 2 and 3 are not clear-- a gray area.So, a conflict.The Food IssueImagine: In Corinth at that time, there was a wedding feast, there was a banquet, a birthday party, or a simple business meal in someone's home.Some of the hosts were not yet deep in faith.But some already were. For them, it was normal to include in their meal the meat from the temple.If you are a Christ follower already, you cannot be choosy about the food that the hosts have prepared for you. It would be impolite to ask if the meat came from the temple.This food issue was dividing people.Another context here is that Paul was a tentmaker.He was an entrepreneur. He didn't demand income from the church to sustain him. As an entrepreneur, he understood that it was not just about being formal and strict. It was all about relationships.What would a good Christian do at that time? Most members of the church in Corinth knew that food was good. They believed it was okay to eat the meat and that the people who were complaining should grow up.But some minorities of the Christian church in Corinth believed otherwise. And Paul needed to address this because it was already dividing the church and hurting the relationships.Here's a side note: If something is already hurting relationships, do something about it.Paul tried to address the food issue.To Eat or Not To EatThe question seems to be "To eat or not to eat?"But Paul knew that there was a deeper relationship problem that was dividing the church. That’s why he addressed it wisely.On the surface, it was a theological question-- but underneath, it was a pastoral question.