Under One Roof: Talk 6 – Man’s tower, God’s Throne
Talk I want to preach the message:Stop building your tower. Start building God's Throne.I want you to help me preach
Under One Roof: Talk 5 – Small Family, Big Family
TalkINTRODUCTIONBRO. AUDEE VILLARAZA:A fair warning. I need you to stand up for this, all right? We're about to read one
Under One Roof: Talk 4 – One Father, Many Children
BRO. BO SANCHEZ:We're going to talk about Fatherhood.Fathers, you’re going to be blessed. Mothers, you’re going to be blessed.Children,
Under One Roof: Talk 3 – BEAUTIFUL and BURDENED Families
BRO. AUDEE VILLARAZA:Who among you came with your family here today? May I ask you to tell your family member:
Under One Roof: Talk 2 – Different yet one
Talk INTRODUCTION BRO. BO SANCHEZ:Tell that person beside you, “God is doing something new. God is doing something beautiful.”I just
Under One Roof: Talk 1 – Blessed Yet Broken
Talk BRO. AUDEE VILLARAZA:What I love about the Word of God is that you know you can open the fridge