FEEL: Why Your Emotions Matter | Talk 5 – Jealousy
TalkBRO. AUDEE VILLARAZA:We're talking about emotions. So far, we have covered Fear, Anger, Shame, and Sadness. Today, we're talking about
FEEL: Why Your Emotions Matter | Talk 4 – Sadness
Talk BRO. BO SANCHEZ: Today, we will be talking about Sadness. I don't like talking about sadness. How many
FEEL: Why Your Emotions Matter | Talk 2 – Fear
TalkToday, we are in Talk 2 of the series, Feels, Why our Emotions Matter.The topic for today is Fear.How many
FEEL: Why Your Emotions Matter | Talk 1 – Shame
TalkINTRODUCTIONBRO. AUDEE VILLARAZA:I want to introduce our complicated and technical series calledFEEL: Why Your Emotions Matter.While there are some people
Raised to Life: Talk 4 – ETERNITY
INTRODUCTION BRO. BO SANCHEZ:I came from Korea. Saranghae!I brought my bike there, so I did biking every day.I try to
Raised to Life:Talk 3 – Fulfillment
TalkINTRODUCTION BRO. BO SANCHEZ:Give the Lord a big hand, Everybody. God is here. God is in our midst. Thank You,