Bay Area District
with Bro. Alvin Barcelona, Bro. Tony Valenzuela, and Bro. JC Libiran
Feast At Home Bay Area District
March 21, 2021 | 1:30 PM
Celebrate with us today, 21st of March 2021, for the Holy Mass, powerful talk and worship!
For tithes, you may use these bank transfer channels:
Bank: UnionBank- Timog Branch
Account Name: The Builder of the Light of Jesus Family Mega Manila Feast Bay Area Inc.
Account Number: 000400024860
Join us in our Zoomustahan!
For prayer request, please message us.
Celebrate with us today, 21st of March 2021, for the Holy Mass, powerful talk and worship!
For tithes, you may use these bank transfer channels:
Bank: UnionBank- Timog Branch
Account Name: The Builder of the Light of Jesus Family Mega Manila Feast Bay Area Inc.
Account Number: 000400024860
Join us in our Zoomustahan!
For prayer request, please message us.