

May the Holy Spirit use these words to convict us today.

I want to ask you a real question just now: What is your stress level this Christmas?

I’m going to ask you to rate your Stress Level from 1 to 10– 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.

All those with Level 1 Stress, raise your hand. Really? (No one…) I’m expecting only the 4-year-olds to raise their hands.

How about those with Level 2 Stress? Raise your hands. All right, we’ve got a few persons…

Level 3? Okay, we’ve still got a few.

How about if I shoot it up…Level 8 Stress? Really? This is the place where we’re in…

How about those who have Level 9 Stress? All right (those who raised their hands) you’re my people…

How about those who’ve Level 10 Stress? Ha-ha! That’s all of us, right?

Irony of Christmas

You know what’s so ironic? … Thank you for being honest, by the way… The irony of Christmas is this– listen to me for a few moments: Christmas is supposed to be the peaceful season of all…

(But) the very first Christmas Eve wasn’t exactly peaceful. This is the image of Christmas: Silent Night, Holy Night… And yet go back 2000 years ago, to the very first Christmas Eve…

Joseph and Mary were fleeing from Egypt, to go to Bethlehem…

Why? Because they were being threatened– that they would be killed.

All the mothers, raise your hands…if you can relate to this:

Mary was up to term and she was riding a donkey. Was that comfortable? No.

I mean, that’s a lot of stress.

And nowadays, you know, when you go to the hospital, they’ve got all these technological innovations to make it comfortable for the moms. They’ve got those machines that are hooked up to the mother so that they can tell when a contraction is coming…They got all those sanitized magic instruments to cut the mom open. They got all these things. They got the epidural to ease her pain.

Mama Mary didn’t have any of those. So, can you imagine the pain she was going through?

Now, what is point? My point is this: That Jesus was born surrounded by conflict and chaos.

Let me park that for a few moments. I’m going to go back to that point in a moment.

I want to give you our big message today. And I guarantee you it’s going to bless you…

Here’s the message:

I want you to turn to the person at your tight. Doesn’t matter who that person is. And tell that person, “Peace is with you.”

Now turn to the person at your left and say, “And also with you.” How many of you believe that Peace is with you?

We’re going to open the Bible right now, to the book of John. John narrates Jesus giving this message:

You know my Friends, peace is a word that I believe we throw around.

Because it’s just a regular word. I mean, we say it every Mass:

Peace be with you. And with your spirit… And also, with you.

So, sometimes, peace to us is just a random word. Have you ever experienced being cross with somebody? You don’t like that person too much– but because you’ve got to say Peace be with you, you fake the Peace be with you.

You don’t mean it. Because peace to us is just a word.

God’s Peace

So, in a way, when Jesus was saying,

“I am leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and peace of heart…” and He added…

“the peace I give is a gift that the world cannot give…” May I paraphrase this?

It’s like Jesus was saying, this kind of peace is not the same kind of peace that you’re going to get from a two-hour Swedish massage. This is not the same kind of peace that you’re going to get when your kids are finally asleep and you get to watch your K drama. This is not the same kind of peace when you’ve finally paid all your loans…

This is the peace that the world cannot take away.

Why? Because it doesn’t come from the world. It comes from Jesus. See, there is a worldly peace. And God’s peace.

Let me describe to you…

Worldly peace is an escape from the troubles of life.

You know what God’s peace is? God’s peace is not an escape.

God’s peace is the ability for you to face your troubles with an untroubled heart.

How many of you want that peace? Raise your hands.

I want that peace. And today, we’re going to talk about how we’re going to attain this peace.

Let me pray for you:

Father, You are here. And we feel You. And we know that with You, there will be a blessing like no other. None that the world can ever offer us.

Today, we are seeking Your peace in a world that’s full of conflict and chaos. How do we attain this peace, Lord?

Speak to us through Your Word. Bless us today.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

One more time, Everybody, lift your hands:

Thy Word is a Lamp unto my feet And a Light unto my path.

 Thank You, Jesus. God is good. All the time.

You know, speaking of peace, when I was preparing this Message, I realized that there are so many elements that can steal our peace nowadays. Just to name a few examples– you might have your list, but this is mine:

How many of you are stressed because of the traffic outside? Going to the mall, the crazy line when you’re about to do your shopping … How many of you are stressed because of the rising prices of oil, and gas, and food?

You get stressed by those, or is it just me?

How many of you are stressed out because of climate change? Or because of the war?

How many of you are stressed because Miss Philippines Michelle Dee didn’t make it in the Top 5 (of the Miss Universe competition)? Yeah?

Here’s the worst news of all: How many of you got stressed over the breakup of KathNiel (love team consisting of actors Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla).

December 1, will never be the same again. I’m not even a fan or a follower.

I’m not even in their generation. But there’s something about, you know, long-term relationships that eventually break up. So, that was what hurt me.

Even to the Jews, the word peace in Hebrew is shalom. Shalom is a common greeting you would say to anybody. It’s like their Hello and Goodbye. So, to them, it did not hold any special meaning.

That’s until Jesus gave it a different meaning.

To be serious, honest question: Why is it that Christmas season, we experience lesser peace compared to other seasons during the year?

Would you like to know why? Three reasons:

How many of you are like this: When somebody approaches you and asks you,

“Oy, Kumusta ka na? How are you?”

And then you answer like, “Eto, pagod pa rin.– Here, tired, as usual.” “May utang pa rin.– With debts, as usual.” “Eto, single pa rin.– Still single.” “Eto, galit pa rin.– Still angry.”

Do you know persons who reply like that? There are persons who are like that. And sometimes, you realize that persons who respond that way, they have a broken perspective. They feel like they’re always on the losing end of life. And let me tell you this: Even if you don’t admit it, sometimes you and I are like that — Pagod pa rin– Still tired; May utang pa rin.– Still with debts; Galit pa rin.– Still Angry;

Bad trip pa rin.– Still in a bad situation.”

Mid-Life Crisis

May I make an honest confession right now? Some of you might have noticed I’ve been preaching for a few weeks now. It’s not an accident. It’s deliberate.

I asked permission from Bro. Alvin Barcelona, my leader, if I could step down. I told Bro. Bo Sanchez about this.

Because I have been going through a crisis. It’s a crisis that affects 40- to 60-year-olds, mostly men.

It’s called mid-life crisis.

When I was asking this question, Why do people have to go through a mid-life crisis, I asked Bro. Alvin. And I love his wisdom.

He said that the reason people go through mid-life crisis is this: In the halfway of your life, usually there are many more experiences– and past situations you can reflect on. So, now, mid-life is a time when you experience a conflict about your identity and your purpose.

And you’re asking, “Am I happy now? Am I happy with where I am?” And that’s where I am right now. I’ve been asking those questions.

This is also a period when you realize that there might be some unresolved issues that you might had not dealt with when you were a teenager, or maybe as a young adult. And usually, it comes out during this period.

And that’s what I’ve been struggling with.

But it’s also this mid-life period where I’ve come to realize this most important question that I want to share with you. May I share this question I’ve been asking every day.

The question is this:

How are you going to spend your day?

Hold the hand of a loved one beside you and then just say: “Ma-mi-miss kita. — I will miss you.”

Because it’s true. I mean, this is the truth that we know but we don’t think about it all the time.

Two Results When You Change Perspective

When was the last time that you actually thought, “Hmm, tomorrow might be my last day, so I’m going to make the most out of what I have today”…?

I want to ask you that question: If today is your last day in this world, how would you spend it?

And when I started thinking about that, it changed my perspective in two ways:

No. 1: When you realize your life is short,

and that one day you’re no longer going to be there–

I’m not going to be here– you know what’s going to happen?

First thing, you’re going to start loving everything. You’re going to start loving that person beside you. Both the good and the bad.

And you realize — this happened to me a few weeks ago. When this thought engulfed me, I was in bed, my wife was on the other side of the bed… she was watching her K Drama, and our two kids were in bed… you know what I did?

I started just hugging them and kissing them randomly. And yes, they thought it was so weird. But to me, that’s how it starts. When you realize that, oh, my gosh… What if tomorrow— because the Lord doesn’t promise us tomorrow

What if tomorrow is my last day? I’m going to start loving everything that God has given to me.

No. 2: First, you start loving everything. Second, the Second Perspective, you start becoming grateful for everything. You start doing more of the good stuff. You start holding hands more. You start saying I love you more. You start forgiving more. And then you also do less… You start becoming less materialistic. You start becoming less petty. You start becoming less angry.

Because life is short. And I’m telling you: The moment you have this perspective– I know that it’s supposed to incite fear– but to me, it gave me a deep sense of peace. Because when you change your perspective and realize life is short, you make the most out of the moments that you have left– and that’s supposed to give you peace.

Here’s the second thief of our joy: When we have the wrong priorities.

I’m going to give you the secret formula of how to get God’s Peace. Because Paul gives us the secret, a step-by-step instruction from the book of Philippians:

Touch your neighbor and say, “Don’t be anxious.” So, Step-by-Step. Here’s the First Step:

Paul says that before you let your requests be made known to God, he says, in everything by prayer, and by supplication– here’s the word: with thanksgiving.

Now, what does that mean, Bro. Audee?

It means that before you open your mouth to tell God what you need, you need to open your mouth and start praising God for what He’s already given.

May we start praising God right now for all that He’s given? Because sometimes, I believe, we’ve got our priorities mixed up– especially during Christmas. I mean, here we are, we’re so busy preparing our Christmas list. Making sure that everybody we love gets a gift. So, we know that they know that we appreciate them. But have you ever thought for a single minute:

What am I going to give to the Celebrator of this season? What am I going to give to Jesus Who is celebrating His birthday? Or His occasion today?

The Perfect Gift for Jesus

The last time I checked, it’s not named Audeemas.

It’s not named Rosemas. It’s not named Louiemas. It’s not named Bomas. It’s not named Marowemas. That doesn’t sound too good: MarumasJ

It’s named Christmas. Christ must.

So, you must celebrate Christ this season.

But Bro. Audee, what gift can I possibly give to the One Who owns the entire universe?

You know what the perfect present to Jesus is?


It’s You. Ikaw. You’re the perfect gift to Jesus.

He wants You.

Some of you here might be complaining: “Lord, Pasko na, wala pa rin aking jowa.– Lord, it’s already Christmas, but I still don’t have a lover.”

You know, I hear the Lord speaking to you.

The Lord says, “Relasyon mo nga sa akin, hindi mo maayos– Jowa pa? — You can’t fix your relationship with Me– how much more with a partner?”

Just real talk. God wants a relationship with You. And that’s the perfect gift. This season, make it the decision to put Jesus first in your life.

A lot of us are excited about Christmas. Yey, Christmas!

But some people are more excited about New Year. How many of you are excited about the New Year? Some of you celebrate New Year more than Christmas. You don’t have to raise your hand. I know you. Because I know some people who are like that. They’re more excited about the New Year. They prepare more for the New Year.

Why? Because we like to look at the perspective of New Beginnings– new opportunities, new promises, new goals, new dreams.

Here’s my request: Before you start looking forward to New Beginnings, why don’t you start appreciating first the Endings? That before you go forward to 2024, thank God for what He has done for you in 2023.

Has God been good to you this year? Has He provided for you this year?

Has He blessed you this year?

Let’s see… I want to do this simple exercise…

The people here at this side, just this side. I want you to look at me and I want you to respond this way, okay?

BRO. AUDEE, singing: Have you seen how good?

FEASTERS, singing: Have you seen how good?

BRO. AUDEE: Have you seen how good?

FEASTERS: Have you seen how good? BRO. AUDEE: Have you seen how good? FEASTERS: Have you seen how good?

BRO. AUDEE: Very good. Very good. May we clap for the people here?

I know that the people here on the other side can do it better… I want to hear you…

BRO. AUDEE: Have you seen how good?

2nd GROUP: Have you seen how good? BRO. AUDEE: Have you seen how good? 2nd GROUP: Have you seen how good?

BRO. AUDEE: How about the people here in the middle?
Have you seen how good?

3rd GROUP: Have you seen how good?
BRO. AUDEE: Now, altogether:
Have you seen how good the Lord is to us?

Has the Lord been good to you? Focus on that right now.

Maybe a priority of yours before you start making plans for 2024, in this season alone, put your priorities in the right order.

Put top priority on Love over hatred.

When you’re out in the parking lot, put top priority on Selflessness and Sacrifice over selfishness…

Forgiveness over bitterness…

Put your priorities in the right order. The Bible says:

Let’s praise the Lord.

Here’s the Third Thief, the last thief of our peace:

We have the wrong paradigm.

How many of you will agree with me — just shoot up your hands–when I say you have a lot of joyful memories during Christmas? Yeah. Praise God.

How many of you now– just by raising your hand again– agree that Christmas time is also some of the most tiring moments of your life– where you’ve got lots of tiring memories from Christmas. Yeah?

I remember when I was growing up, when I was young, I used to be so excited to open the presents under the tree with my name on them. And I would imagine all the toys that I would be playing with– only to cry many times. Because I would get clothes instead of toys. Did you experience that?

And as an adult, I would be excited over the bonus I would receive– monly to be discouraged when I realized that my bonus would be used to pay off all the bills that I would have.

Have you, Guys, ever experienced this? You look forward to an event– so much. Maybe not just Christmas. Maybe a birthday, maybe a graduation… You look forward so much to the New Year.

And that’s it. New Year just passed. Christmas just passed. Let me explain why…

Expectation vs. Reality

Sometimes, when your reality doesn’t meet your expectations, you get frustrated.

Let me show you some examples… Some of you are praying for a jowa– a lover. All the single ladies, raise your hand.

Some of you might be praying for somebody as strong, as good-looking as Aquaman– big body, hero in your life.

This is your expectation…

In reality, this is what comes to you…

Or maybe some of you who will go on vacation, you expect to be on a beautiful island like Boracay, or El Nido, or Bali…

But the Reality is this…

When your reality does not align with your expectations, you get frustrated. May I preach this to you: What if the reason you don’t experience

God’s Peace is, simply, you’re expecting a different kind of peace?

What if the reason we don’t experience God’s Peace is we have a different paradigm?

I’m looking for peace that’s wrapped in pretty packaging– because that’s what peace looks like. Peace is quiet. Peace is calm. Peace is comfortable.

Peace is convenient.

But what if I tell you this: That’s not the definition of God’s Peace.

Because when Heaven came down to humanity, it wasn’t in the form of perfection. It wasn’t perfect. It wasn’t convenient.

When God sent the Savior of the world, the Jews were expecting the Messiah would come dressed in power. They did not expect that God would send them a baby dressed in pampers. They were somehow expecting the Messiah would come as a general carrying a sword. They did not expect a peacemaker that would carry a word. Because He was the Word made flesh.

What am I trying to say? When God brings you peace, it’s not going to look like how you imagined it. It’s not going to be how you expected it.

So, if you are going to live in peace, you have to give up your paradigm of peace.

Let me show you what Isaiah says about this. Isaiah says, when he prophesied about this: For a child is born to us a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders and he will be called wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father…

And here is my favorite: He will be called Prince of Peace…

Take note: Isaiah never said He’s going to be called the Prince of Ease, or the Prince of Comfort, or the Prince of Convenience. No. He says He’s called the Prince of Peace.

Now, what does God’s Peace look like?

One more confession– because I’m in a mid-life crisis mood right now… How many of you attended the Feast Conference

(November 24-26, 2023)? Praise God.

You know, during the Feast Conference, I had resentment towards God. I was a little upset with the Lord. And I am not afraid to say it out loud right now. Because I was there in the Conference, but I wasn’t there either. That doesn’t make sense.

Okay, let me explain…

Different Ministry

I’ve been attending our annual conference since 2008. And I love the FEASTCON. It’s a life-giving event for me.

But the last three days that

I attended the Feast Conference, you know what my Ministry service was? It was to take care of my kids so that my wife (Kristel has started a food business called Maria’s Kitchen) could sell in the booth on the ground floor of the expo hall. By the way, shout out to all those who supported my wife’s booth. Thank you so much. I want you to know that every peso that you spent went to a very important foundation, the foundation of Ethan and Ellie Villaraza. It’s going to go a long way. So, thank you!

Don’t get me wrong. I love serving my family. I love doing that. Nothing gives me more significance and purpose. But here’s my little tampo– resentment…

I was a little upset with the Lord because I never was able to participate

in the Conference. I never went out. I never heard the Plenary talks. I wasn’t able to attend the classes. The only time I went up to the second floor (where the sessions were held) was to go to the Children’s

Room to take my kids there.

So, I had a little heart-to-heart talk with the Lord that Sunday, the last day of the Conference. I remember this… Because I was at the ground floor in an almost empty hall– you know where the food area was. I was there, and there was this wide screen showing the FEASTCON session. I was listening to Bro. Bo Sanchez preaching.

And that’s where I just poured out my heart to the Lord.

Greater Service

I love how God responds to us during those difficult moments.

Because when we were on our way home, I told my wife all about what I felt and she said something that completely changed the trajectory of my heart and my countenance.

She said, “I truly believe that the Lord called you for greater service in this Conference.”

And I was like, “Why? Why do you say that?’

She said, “Because I notice you every single time, there’s a big event, or even at The Feast, you’re always running around. People aren’t able to talk to you because you’re doing meetings, you’re doing ministry.

Now, for the first time ever, you were in one place and everybody who was there, you just asked them simple questions: “How’s the Conference for you? What’s your favorite moment?”

And you know what? At that moment, I realized that she was right. — She often is. She always is. But don’t tell her that, okay? She might believe thatJ.

She was right. It’s funny how at that moment I was hurting– but it was quickly removed because I realized this: I was complaining. I was looking for peace in a place where I thought it was going to be. But I realized I couldn’t go to the second floor to check out the FEASTCON sessions.

So, what did God do? He sent down people to bless me with their testimonies and life stories. I was hurting. I was hurting and God sent my wife to comfort me.

What’s God’s Peace

What am I trying to say?

The Word of today is this: Sometimes you expect peace to come in a form that’s familiar to you. In a form of perfection, in a form of quiet, in a form of calm.

But that’s not God’s Peace. Because God’s Peace is this…It says in Matthew 1:23:

So, here’s the message: Peace is not always found in the absence of problems. It’s not always there. When there are no troubles in your life, you want to know what God’s Peace is? You want to know where God’s Peace is found? God’s Peace is found in the Presence of Christ Who enables you to endure your trials.

That’s God’s Peace. God’s Peace will walk with you. Sometimes we think that God’s Peace is peace that will come in the arrival in the destination.

Ah-ah, that’s not God’s Peace. God’s Peace is found in the path as you’re walking when Jesus is with you.

That’s the Good News today. It doesn’t matter that things happening in your life don’t line up yet.

I mean, some of you might be wondering, “Bro. Audee, it’s supposed to be Christmas. Why are you wearing black?”

I did this deliberately. I told people to dress in Christmas fashion– Christmas colors. I arrived in black and gray. You know why? Because I wanted to prove to you that peace is not an external factor. It’s deep within.

So, everything in your life can be chaotic. There’s so much conflict all around you. The kids won’t act right. You’re fighting with your spouse. Your business is going down. You owe a lot people a lot of money.

But guess what? You can still have peace. Why?

Because you can say, “The Prince of Peace is with me. God is with me.”

And wherever you are, when Jesus is with you, Peace is with you.

I’m going to call somebody onstage. Her name is Cheska Flores. And she’s going to sing us a song about Peace. Open your heart to this song…

Closing Worship

Christmas is a reminder for all of us that we don’t have to live life alone.

You never have to isolate yourself from the world because Jesus is with us.

Everybody, lift your hands…

At this moment, it’s not about you.

Not about the person beside you. Not about the things that you are supposed to do after The Feast.

Right now, I want you to focus, to fix your eyes, your gaze on Jesus. He is the reason for this season. And today, we join our hearts to bless His Name, to glorify Him, and to magnify the Name of Jesus.

Let’s worship the Lord, Everybody, with one voice. Let’s respond to God’s love today.

There’s no gift that God wants other than you this Christmas.

You are the present to our Savior Jesus Christ.

If you’re ready to give your life to the Lord as the greatest present ever, I want you to put both your hands over your chest and say this with me:

Jesus, I present myself as my gift. Take me– my brokenness, my imperfection. And then use me. I believe that you were born into this world to rescue me.

So, today I make this decision to boldly follow You,

to worship You, and to be with You. Give me Your Peace. Give me Your anointing. And I will follow You forever, for the rest of my days. I love You and I worship You.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Everybody shout,

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Put your hands together in honor of the Celebrator!

Hug as many as you can and say,

Peace is with you.

Launching of FEAST ASEANA

BRO. ALVIN BARCELONA: A Blessed Day to all of us. Let us clap our hands to the Lord.

And indeed, our Feast Bay Area was gifted by the Lord with this very, very Good News. Today, at 3:00 p.m., we will be launching Feast Aseana. As we have been mightily blessed by our brother, leader, builder, Bro. Didoy Lubaton, his family, and his team to launch Feast Aseana.

And so, I call on everyone to please extend your hands to them, as we pray for our dear brother, his family, and his team.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Father in Heaven, we praise and give thanks as You’ve raised a faithful, committed, passionate, loving leader in Bro. Didoy, his family, along with his team. Thank You for his heeding Your call to open a brand-new Feast, Feast Aseana, which we claim and declare will bless many, many more people– bringing Your Light, and experiencing Your Hope, Your Love, as we pray, Dear Lord, for strength, for resources, for perseverance, and for Your victory in Bro. Didoy, his family, his core team, and the Feasters will be surely blessed by this Feast. We claim, Dear Lord, in Philippians 1:6 that He, who began a good work, will continue until this is perfected and completed, and until Your return… in Jesus’ mighty Name, Bro. Didoy and his team will shine Your Light. Amen. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.




We’d like to say Thank You again to everyone for being part of this spiritual family.

One more time, tell somebody beside you, “Thank you, for being here.” Please know that we pray for you, we love you and we will see you next year— for a beautiful 2024!

God bless you!

This story was first published in the Feast Family Online News Magazine

Published by THE FEAST (January 7, 2024)