Who Can Lead Us: Talk 2 – As For Me And My House
builder2025-03-02T00:15:55+08:00Talk BRO. BO SANCHEZ: HOW many of you just had a difficult week? Raise your hand. I want you to be proud that you went through a difficult week. Why? Because life is difficult. Some people complain, "Brother Bo, I pray. I go to Mass. I'm close to God. Why is life so difficult?" I counter: "Do you pray or go to church because you want an easy life? I've got news for you. It won't happen-- whether you pray or you don't pray. You're going to have a difficult life because life is difficult. But I've got news for you. Life is difficult but beautiful. Do you know why it can't be beautiful? Not because God will make your life easy, but He will give you the strength to endure. Say this with me: "Choose your difficult." Who among here finds it difficult to exercise? Is it difficult to wake up in the morning when your alarm clock is going off, and the temptation is just to hit the snooze button? Is it difficult to wear your rubber shoes and to start walking? Yes, it's difficult. But if you do not do that, it will also be difficult to be 70 years old-- and your muscles will have atrophied. So, it's difficult to exercise, but the results of not exercising are also difficult. Choose your difficult. Last year, I gradually stopped eating ultra-processed food. It's difficult. What is ultra-processed food? You enter a grocery store. You get a product from the shelf. You look at the back. You read the ingredients. If the ingredients have lots of words you cannot understand and you cannot pronounce 75% of those words, that's ultra-processed food. What should you do? Return it to the shelf. It is difficult to do that because those foods are very delicious. Don't blame yourself. There are multi-billion companies who have hired an army of scientists who have concocted a process and chemicals to make such foods addictive. It is difficult to choose the right food. What’s Your Choice? I'm a semi-old guy. I've learned to eat simple food. I eat eggs. I eat lettuce. I eat papaya. I eat sweet potato. How many ingredients does each of those foods have? Just one. It's absolutely boring. It's difficult. But if you keep on eating ultra-processed food and extreme sugar, it's difficult not to have diabetes, not to have cancer. I'm no scientist. There is no direct link to that. Perhaps there is some connection, but I cannot prove it to you. Again, choose your difficult. Last example: To say, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" is difficult, especially if you've been doing it since 1980. May Ulanday was with me in 1980-- in that garage.* We were so young, May. We were serving the Lord. Now, we’re not very young. But 40 plus years, 45 years later, our battle cry is still: "As for me and my house, we will serve the