RESTED: Talk 2 – Work
builder2024-06-30T00:49:44+08:00Talk BRO. JOHN BEN: For us, Feast Builders here, preaching is a kind of work. Since we are talking about rest, we want to rest todayJ. So, we invited guests to help us give the talk today. Today, I am blessed to share with you that through our talk series here at The Feast, we have learned to synergize our efforts. You know, when you are working with people and you’re combining outputs from different people, you get something better than what you can alone. Last year, we went through the entire Bible-- from Genesis, Exodus, Numbers, Leviticus, and Deuteronomy. What has made it easy for us Builders-- even Bro. Bo-- to prepare the talks are the Bible Nerds. They are a group of young people who research backgrounders for our talks. It makes it easier for us to identify the theological concepts and mystery behind what we are reading so we can apply them in practical ways. We invited two of them for a table discussion about our talk today on Work. Please welcome Tisha Caro and Bene Sanchez. And, of course, Bro. Alvin Barcelona, our main preacher. So, we are sitting down--resting and working. The Reality: Two Kinds of Work JOHN BEN: It's kind of hard to connect work with rest. But in the Bible, there are two kinds of work: Tisha, please tell us more about it. TISHA: As we know it today, work means our jobs that consume five to six days of our week and at least eight hours of each day. A big part of our lives is spent on work. It's what we need to do. It puts food on our table. It allows us to pay for our electricity bills, groceries...For the majority, it's hard and tiring. At times, when I ask people, "How are you?" They would respond, "I'm tired. I want to quit." That is the reality. BENE: Genesis 3 reflects our reality today. Let’s read the verse> As soon as we wake up, we think of how we will survive for the day. So, we go to work and do chores we don't want to do. We go to meetings that could have been done through email. Do all the paperwork that nobody wants to fill up. Question: Was that what God intended for you and me? TRISHA: Yeah. If God is good, why did He have to make us work? Why can't we just relax? But if we look at the first page of the Bible, we'll see how God intended work to be. In the Bible, we read that the very first worker was God. In Genesis 1, He showed us how He worked. He brought light. He separated the waters so that life could live in it. He created dry land. He made livestock. He made vegetation. Work was made for beauty and for benefit. God created these things because He wanted humans to benefit from the world He created. That's how He imagined work